Sunday, March 9, 2014

Burn 7. Pain Management for Burns


Although pain is a well-recognized component of appropriate burn management, the available data suggests that burn pain is undertreated and is one of the most difficult types of pain to manage. In the short term, uncontrolled pain is associated with an increased risk of wound infection, longer hospitalization, poor compliance with rehabilitation therapy, and increased psychological stress. Acute uncontrolled pain also increases the risk of depression, PTSD, and attempted suicide after hospital discharge. Up to 52% of patients with uncontrolled acute pain develop chronic pain syndromes which can persist for up to 11 years post injury.
The pathophysiology of burn pain is complex and involves multiple neurotransmitters, meaning appropriate management must be comprehensive and multi-modal. Appropriate pain management is further complicated by development of opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH) and NMDA-mediated central sensitization which, if unaddressed, may lead to chronic pain syndromes. Additionally, acute decreases in renal and hepatic perfusion during the first 48 hours after burn injury may decrease drug clearance; after the first 48 hours, hypermetabolism likely increases drug clearance, and changes in plasma protein concentrations may increase the unbound drug fraction leading to hyperresponsiveness to various medications.
Burn pain is generally divided into three subtypes. Background pain is a consistent, dull pain that is related to tissue injury and may be complicated by anxiety related to patient illness and immobility. Procedural pain is high-intensity, short-lasting pain associated with wound cleaning, dressing changes, debridements, line insertions, and PT/OT. Breakthrough pain is an unpredictable surge in pain that may happen at any time throughout the day. Intense tingling and itching as well as neuropathic pain may also occur as tissue regenerates.

For typical dosing and titration parameters, see Tables 1 and 2 and Figure 1. The information below is intended to help guide selection of adjunctive medications using patient information.
Acetaminophen (APAP) is a mild analgesic that becomes more effective when added to baseline opioids. For small burns, monotherapy with APAP may provide adequate analgesia. In more severe burns, the addition of APAP to baseline opioids has been shown to be as effective as higher doses of opioids. Unless there are known contraindications such as cirrhosis, all patients with burn pain should receive APAP.
Alpha-2 Agonists such as clonidine and dexmedetomidine work through central modulation of pain perception and inhibition of substance P. Adjunctive clonidine has been shown to decrease opioid requirements, improves analgesia, and prolongs anesthetic action. Dexmedetomidine is generally a more effective sedative and analgesic than clonidine owing to its increased specificity for the A2 subtype of the alpha-2 receptor. Single-dose dexmedetomidine, when added to opioids and ketamine, has been shown to improve procedural analgesia. In the acute phase of burn (1st 48 hours), cardiac depression with dexmedetomidine may preclude use in unstable patients, however when administered with ketamine the drug appears to have minimal cardiac depressive effects.
Benzodiazepines have no analgesic properties, but may improve associated anxiety and distress in patients with severe burns. The addition of low-dose benzodiazepines to both opioids and ketamine has been shown to improve procedural pain, and intermittent administration of low-dose lorazepam has been shown to improve opioid responsiveness in patients with severe breakthrough pain. In patients with mild pain, benzodiazepines are unlikely to be of benefit and should generally not be used given their side effect profile.
Gabapentinoids such as gabapentin and pregabalin work through inhibition of voltage-gated calcium channels to decrease release of excitatory neurotransmitters and increase inhibitory GABA release. Available data has shown an inconsistent opioid-sparing effect of gabapentin in the management of burn pain, however the drug has been successfully used to manage itching and neuropathic pain. Further, multimodal analgesia likely decreases the incidence of OIH, therefore gabapentin adjunctive therapy is recommended for patients with severe burns. Pregabalin is similar to gabapentin, however as it is a newer drug use is generally limited to neuropathic pain.
NMDA Antagonists such as ketamine and methadone have gained popularity as adjunctive therapy for the management of severe burns. As NMDA is postulated to be involved in the development of OIH, addition of antagonists at this receptor may improve responsiveness to opioids. A restrospective study of 70 patients with severe burns showed early initiation of methadone therapy (within 4 days of admission) was associated with increased ventilator-free days as compared to standard opioid monotherapy. Additionally, published protocols suggest methadone can be effectively used to decrease opioid requirements in patients receiving high-dose opioid therapy. Ketamine has been used both for procedural and background pain, but the majority of data supports use in the procedural setting. Generally, intravenous doses of 0.6-1.3mg/kg are required for an anesthetic response (absence of nociception). Ketamine is associated with an emergence phenomenon as well as an increase in cardiac activity. Co-administration with benzodiazepines may ameliorate the emergence phenomenon, and dexmedetomidine may improve both emergence and cardiac response.
NSAIDs such as ibuprofen are quite useful adjunctive therapies in minor (<15-20% TBSA) burns as they are opioid sparing and may alleviate OIH. However, routine use is not recommended in severe burns given the increased risk of renal failure, platelet dysfunction, and gastrointestinal ulceration/irritation.
Opioids such as morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone, and hydromorphone generally constitute the backbone of successful pain management, especially for large (>20% TBSA burns). Although their use is complicated by adverse reactions including constipation, respiratory depression, dependence, and possibly immunosuppression, opioids are advantageous in that they have no ceiling effect for analgesia. Of importance is the development of OIH and tolerance, both of which may decrease effectiveness of opioids. To minimize development of OIH, daily sedation holidays are strongly encouraged for patients receiving continuous infusion opioids. Further, mixed opioid analgesia (e.g., scheduled oral morphine with as needed oral oxycodone) may decrease the incidence of OIH, as will including the adjunctive therapies mentioned. In patients who develop OIH, decreasing the dose of opioid may improve analgesia. Alternatively, changing to an alternative opioid at a lower dose may prove efficacious, as will adding an NMDA antagonist (e.g., methadone) while decreasing the opioid dose. It is likely that semi- or fully synthetic opioids may induce less histamine release than morphine, which is of importance in patients who complain of itching.
Miscellaneous therapies such as synthetic cannabinoids and anesthetics may be of benefit as well. Although reports of successful use are limited, addition of dronabinol may moderately improve analgesia in patients with a history of THC use. Systemic lidocaine may also be of benefit, however use is limited at this time. Transdermal lidocaine should not be used as changes in absorption when applied to non-intact skin may cause life-threatening toxicity.
Nonpharmacologic therapies such as hypnosis, avoidance techniques, and preparatory/behavioral interventions may also be useful adjuncts to therapy and may be considered in appropriate patients. When combined with pharmacologic analgesia, hypnosis has been shown to reduce grafting needs and decrease hospital length of stay.

1.     Faucher L, Furukawa K. Practice guidelines for the management of pain. J Burn Care Res 2006; 27: 659-68.
2.     Fry C, Edelman LS, Cochran A. Response to a nursing-driven protocol for sedation and analgesia in a burn-trauma ICU. J Burn Care Res 2009; 30: 112-8.
3.     Jones GM, Porter K, Coffey R, et al. Impact of early methadone initiation in critically injured burn patients: a pilot study. J Burn Care Res 2013; 34: 342-8.
4.     MacPherson R, Woods D, Pengold J. Ketamine and midazolam delivered by patient-controlled analgesia in relieving pain associated with burns dressings. Clin J Pain 2008; 24: 568-71.
5.     Richardson P, Mustard L. The management of pain in the burns unit. Burns 2009; 35: 921-36.
6.     *Retrouvey H, Shahrokhi S. Pain and the thermally injured patient – a review of current therapies. J Burn Care Res 2015; 36: 315-23.
7.     Zor F, Ozturk S, Bilgin F, et al. Pain relief during dressing changes of major adult burns: ideal analgesic combination with ketamine. Burns 2010; 36: 501-5.
*of particular interest

Figure 1. Suggested initial background/breakthrough pain management in large burn.

Table 1. Suggested Oral Background/Breakthrough Pain Regimens
Drugs Involved
Starting Dose
Maximum Dose

Large Burn
(>15-20% TBSA), Prior fentanyl requirement
Morphine IR1
15mg q4h
15mg per dose, titrate daily

5/325mg, 1-2 tabs q4h PRN
2 tabs q4h

300mg TID
100mg per dose, titrate daily
2400mg per day

0.1mg BID
0.1mg per dose, titrate daily
0.5mg q6h

1mg q4h PRN
1mg q4h PRN

Large Burn
(>15-20% TBSA), Prior fentanyl requirement
Morphine IR1
30mg q4h
15mg per dose, titrate daily

5/325mg, 1-2 tabs q4h PRN
2 tabs q4h

300mg TID
100mg per dose, titrate daily
2400mg per day

0.1mg BID
0.1mg per dose, titrate daily
0.5mg q6h

1mg q4h PRN
1mg q4h PRN

Small Burn
(<15-20% TBSA)
975mg q6h
975mg q6h

400mg q6h
200mg per dose
800mg q6h

5mg q4h PRN
5mg per dose

Note: attempt to wean pain medications daily as appropriate.
1For patients with documented morphine allergy, consider hydromorphone 2-4mg PO q4h starting dose.
2For doses > 60mg q4h, consider addition of methadone 5mg PO TID with concomitant 50% reduction in morphine dose.
3Only consider for high pain scores 

Table 2. Potential Procedural Pain Regimens
Drugs Involved
Starting Dose
Timing of First Dose
Repeat Dosing
Maximum Dose
Large Procedure, 1st 48 hours
1mg/kg IV
Beginning of procedure
0.5-1mg/kg IV q15min PRN
0.05mg/kg IV
Beginning of procedure
1.5mg/kg PO
30min before procedure
50-100mcg IV q15min PRN
Large Procedure, After 1st 48 hours
1mg/kg IV
Beginning of procedure
0.5-1mg/kg IV q15min PRN
1mcg/kg IV
Beginning of procedure
1.5mg/kg PO
30min before procedure
50-100mcg IV q15min PRN
Large Procedure, After 1st 48 hours (alternate)
Ketamine 10mg/mL + Midazolam 0.5mg/mL IV PCA (20mL)
1mL bolus with 3min lockout, no basal rate
Small Procedure
1.5mg/kg PO
30min before procedure
1-2mg PO
30min before procedure
2-4mg IV q30min
Small Procedure (alternate)
2-4mg IV
Beginning of procedure
2-4mg IV q30min
1-2mg IV
Beginning of procedure

Note: continue background pain medications throughout procedure.
1Give slow IV push over 5-10 minutes. May consider continuous IV infusion of 0.5-1mcg/kg/hour for duration of procedure at attending discretion.
2In patients with documented morphine allergy, consider hydromorphone 0.3-0.6mg IV starting dose, followed by 0.3-0.6mg IV q30min PRN