Friday, January 17, 2025

Interventional Radiology ‘STAT Trauma IR’ Hemorrhage Control Guideline




To meet 4.15 from “Resources for the Optimal Care of the Injured Patient, 2022

Standards” by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma Verification Review Committee.

CD 4.15 states “Level I and II trauma centers must have the necessary human and physical resources

continuously available so that an endovascular or interventional radiology procedure for hemorrhage

control can begin within 60 minutes of request.”




 The 60-minute requirement will apply to the following patients requiring interventional radiology (IR):

·        All trauma patients who require interventional angiography within the first 24 hours of arrival and have active extravasation from the abdomen, pelvis, chest or proximal extremity AND exhibit one or more of the following:

·        Shock (eg: SBP <90, tachycardia, persistent lactic acidemia)

·        Require blood products within the first 4 hours of admission

·        Intraoperative consult for acute traumatic hemorrhage


STAT IR Process:

·        TS Attending/Fellow/Chief/Junior/Critical Care APP calls IR APP to convey criteria are met and provides a direct call back number for communication

 o 7A-5P: In house (859 330-1729)

 o 5P-7A: IR on call APP (859 330-1729)àV1 on call IR Attending (In lightning bolt, UKMD can connect directly)

·        IR Attending calls TS for discussion

·        TS conveys to the IR Attending that criteria are met for STAT Trauma IR intervention

                (provides MRN and patient location)

·        IR Attending/TS discuss findings-Consensus is achieved

·        TS writes note documenting consensus and IR team call-in

·        IR Attending to initiate call-in process for IR staffing

·        TS assigns Resuscitationist (trauma junior and/or Critical Care APP) who:

o   Activates MTP (calls blood bank 3-5401 and enters order)

o   Notifies the Trauma DCN (562-6811)

o   Starts Epic Urgent group chat (Trauma DCN, IR Attending, PI Staff, Resuscsitationist)

·        Trauma DCN will assign ICU RN to the patient

·        Immediate transport to IR room 29/30 (“TAXI AND HOLD”)

·        Anesthesia services may be utilized in STAT Trauma IR cases at the discretion of the IR or Trauma Attending. If Anesthesia services are being utilized, the IR Attending or TS Point Person will call the OR front desk to speak directly with the Anesthesia Board Runner.

·        TS Resuscitationist accompanies patient to the IR suite and all team members assist to transport the patient onto the IR table

·        Quick prep in IR with expedited case start similar to stroke cases


Additional Notes:

·        Given the stat nature of the procedure, cases that qualify for STAT Trauma IR consult based on the criteria above are considered life threatening with implied consent as per KRS 304.40-320

·        Room 9 will be the designated IR suite

·        If Anesthesia will be providing critical care support in the IR suite the anesthesia cart will be prepped and available for use at all times in the IR suite, confirmed ready by the Anesthesia Safari Tech


Times will be documented for the following and tracked through the PIPS process:

·        Time of IR Consult

·        TS note (urgent chat) -Consensus

·        IR team arrival time

·        Time “room ready”

·        Patient arrival time in IR suite

·        Procedure start time

·        Puncture time- Needle